
She has been a Hifdh Teacher & Word for Word Translation Teacher at the Al-Muminah School for girls in Mumbai for 7 years. Thereafter, she shifted to Melbourne, Australia but continued work of Deen even there. She taught at the Melbourne Madinah School as a Qur'aan Teacher for girls and conducted the Prophetic Curriculum for kids there.

Sumaiya Motiwala is an Arts & Psychology Graduate from University of Mumbai.(India). She studied Taleem-e-Deen course at At'tazkirah in the year 2013.

Due to her sincerity and academic performance, she was given various responsibilities at the Institute which she successfully fulfilled.

She has successfully completed 'Aspire: Young Muslim women's leadership & Governance training Program 2019' By Victoria University, Melbourne and is currently pursuing Bachelors of Arts in Islamic Studies (BAIS) through International Open University (IOU), Australia. She uses her weekend to teach kids Arabic Qaidah & Hifdh of Surahs. She also imparts coaching to adults to help them read the Qur'aan in Arabic.